
Why is RDA important in nutrition?

Recommended Daily Allowances RDAs: Your Key to a Healthy and Nutritious Diet Introduction Navigating the vast world of nutrition can be daunting, but Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) are like a […]


How important is energy balance?

Caloric Intake vs Energy Balance: A Delicate Dance – Diet2habit  Introduction A key idea in nutrition and health is the balance between energy expenditure and calorie intake, which is what […]


Why is dietary Fibre important in the body?

Dietary fiber: A vital part of a healthy diet – Diet2habit  Introduction You’ve probably learned a lot regarding macronutrients—like proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates—and micronutrients—like vitamins and minerals—when it comes to […]


How can increase vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12’s Potential: Adding Nutritious Foods to Your Diet Introduction Cobalamin, another name for vitamin B12, is a vitamin that dissolves in water that is vital to many important body […]


What is in a DASH diet?

Discovering the DASH Diet: A Prescription for Heart Health and Wellness – Diet2habit Introduction Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH, diet is an accurate, evidence-based strategy to improve heart […]


Why is low fat diet better?

An Approach to Wellness That Promotes Heart Health: The Low-Fat Diet – Diet2habit Introduction The low-fat diet remains a mainstay of beneficial to the heart eating for decades despite an […]